WELCOME grant seekers.

In keeping with the Foundation’s mission we look forward to your innovative applications for three major giving areas: PROGRAM AND OPERATING GRANTS, INVESTING IN GIRLS STRATEGIC GRANTS and CAPITAL GRANTS

The regular deadlines for each quarterly grant cycle are the last day of the months of January, April, July and October. Capital Grants are considered once each year at the December meeting of the board. Capital Grant submissions are due by September 30th each year.

To apply, visit www.danielsfoundation.org/programs, choose the APPLY NOW button, and you will be directed to our external grants management portal, where you can submit and manage your grant application.



The Daniels Foundation uses grant management software. I used to submit my grant on paper. Can I still submit the grant by paper?

We use the software package because it is easier for you in the end. You only have to create your user profile one time, and the history of all your grants will be accessible to you on the site. The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation will no longer accept paper grants.

I am having trouble finalizing my grant. Who do I call?

When you select APPLY NOW on our the website at www. danielsfoundation.org, you will be directed to our grants management portal, where you will find a contact email address. We will be in touch promptly.

How often can I apply for a grant from The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation?

You may apply as often as you like. However, you will not be awarded more than one grant in a one year period. Sorry, but we have to spread funding around as best we can.

Why won’t the Daniels Foundation give money outside of the Worcester area?

The Foundation was formed by three brothers who made their fortunes in the Worcester area. They loved their city and legally restricted our gifts to “primarily” the Worcester area. The current Board believes 100% of giving should be to the Worcester area.

You define your giving area as the Worcester service area. Can’t you be more specific?

We have given historically within Worcester County, but not all organizations in the towns or communities in Worcester County have applied for and received grants. We take a dynamic approach to this issue. Grant applications from within the City of Worcester are all eligible. Grant applications from within Worcester County are all eligible, but the closer that the grant impact area is to Worcester City the more likely it is that the grant will be considered carefully. As always, grants are provided at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Can I talk to someone from The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation?

Sure. Please send an email to [email protected] describing your need, and we will make sure that your need is met.

My organization is not a 501(c)(3). Can I still receive funding from The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation?

Maybe. The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation must give to a 501(c)(3) in good standing. We occasionally give to a worthy non-profit organization that is in the process of acquiring this designation or which is a collaborative of several other recognized non-profits with the designation. In this case they work through a fiscal agent.

You ask me to identify the focus area that my organization serves. We do a lot, and so there is not one clear answer. But you make me pick just one. What do I do?

Pick the one which characterizes your organization the best.

You denied my grant request. Why?

There could be any number of reasons. Grants are competitive (we wish we could fund them all, but even the Gates Foundation makes choices). There may have been other more compelling grants that merited the available funding. Your Worcester-area impact may not have been great enough. Your grant may suggest that your organization is not stable enough or capable of sustainability. Or many other reasons. There is one thing for sure: we did consider your grant carefully. Think about what you might have done differently, and then submit your improved grant application. Always forward; never give up.

If you have another questions not answered here, write us at info@ danielsfoundation.org to send your inquiries along. We will get you the answer, and maybe you’ll see your question added to this list of Frequently Asked Questions!

And, thanks!

The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation

The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation, Inc.

A Charitable Corporation Organized 1949 Under the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

210 Park Avenue, Suite 307
Worcester, MA 01609

List of Trustees

Wendy Andrews
Dwight C. Blake Jr.
Barre Blake Hardy
Emily Daignault-Salvaggio
Fred H. Daniels II
Ashley Gabrenas
Carlos La Hoz Daniels
James Morse
Timothy L. Morse
David A. Nicholson
Robert Daniels Pettit
Laura Rutkiewizc